Stunning bouquet

Simon with the stunning bouquet and card

We received this amazing bouquet and card recently. We appreciate all your wonderful comments. Thank you.

Love from

Rita, John & Simon xx

The card said:


You were so very kind, caring and compassionate towards us as well as to our darling little girl. The whole experience will remain with us always.

Entering the chapel of rest was breathtaking and serene. Our beloved Kandi looked so peaceful and beautiful surrounded by lovely flowers. The whole atmosphere was so calming, allowing us as much time as we needed with our Princess.

When we collected her ashes, it was lovely to see her name all lit up and again was amazing, and again was breathtaking and to have a heart note placed on the memory tree was amazing.

Once again, thank you for making a devastating time so

much more bearable for us..

We can’t thank you enough

To Rita John and Simon

We want to say thank you so very much for making such a sad day into a wonderful memorable one in the passing over the rainbow bridge of our beloved Princess Kandi.

You all treated her with care, dignity and respect and we can’t thank you enough.

God bless you all from Kandi’s Family xxx”