Our collection service is completely different to that normally offered through most veterinary practices. Unfortunately we find that the majority of vets offer the basic ‘ashes back’ service but do not explain the procedure. Because the company your vet uses will normally be visiting the area on a weekly basic. They collect numerous pets and often clinical waste. Therefore they will probably not charge for collection or return. This means the transport and handling cost are not the same as us.
bespoke pet hearse
With our collection service, we arrive in a bespoke pet hearse. We collect your pet individually at the time arranged from your home or veterinary surgery. Our service is responsive. Therefore we will normally collect your pet on the same working day depending on what time we are contacted and our availability. We do not carry out weekly collections in a lorry or van and we do not place pets into bags. Your beloved pet will be handled with the respect they deserve. We will transport them to the crematorium in a pet hearse.
If you would like us to collect your pet then it helps to have 24 hours notice whenever possible, however this is not mandatory. All you need to do is telephone us on 0115 981 6850 to make the final arrangements.
individual cremation
When your pet arrives at Nottingham Pet Crematorium we will give you a courtesy call to confirm that they are safely with us. Please ensure you give us or your vet your preferred contact number. When we call you can either explain what you would like for your pet at that time or call us back when you are ready to discuss your requirements. Prior to carrying out your pet’s individual cremation we will ask whether you have any special instructions or wishes. We will also ask if you would like us to take a cutting of their fur or have a paw imprint taken, these are both completely optional.
We charge for collections and returns on a mileage basis from your home or vet.